Do this to get an aesthetic body

Target these six muscles: why and how 

Are you tired of hitting the gym and not seeing the results you desire? Well, you may be missing out on the secret to a great physique - the six aesthetic muscles. These muscles, including the neck, upper traps, lateral delts, upper chest, lats, and abs, can make all the difference in enhancing your physical appearance. Science explains why these muscles are considered the most attractive. 

The shape of a man's body, specifically the ratio of shoulder to waist width (1 to 1.6), is crucial in determining a man's physical appeal. A V-tapered physique, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and a wide back is a major turn-on for many women. By focusing on these muscles, you can not only improve your appearance but also increase your self-confidence and overall quality of life. Erotica novels often feature men with this physique, and it's no secret that the majority of women prefer a lean and muscular look. Keeping a low body fat percentage (between 10-12%) is key to showcasing your hard-earned muscles and maintaining a lean appearance.

 A lean, angular face with tight skin only adds to the overall attraction. And let's not forget, a low-carb diet reduces water retention and puffiness, making you look even better! So don't wait any longer, it's time to prioritize the six aesthetic muscles and transform your physique. Let's delve into the best exercises to get these six muscles bulging. 

01. Neck: You're probably not training your neck, and you may not even know about neck training. But let me tell you, it can make a huge difference in your physique. A thicker, more muscular neck gives you a more masculine look, unlike that of a young boy. The neck is always visible, regardless of what you wear, so it's important to develop it. Don't be like those bodybuilders who train for years but neglect the neck.

 A body that's growing in size but with a neck that remains the same looks strange. I'll show you an example of a bodybuilder who hasn't trained his neck. He's big, but if you just see his neck and face, you'd think he's skinny. When I reveal his body, you'll see how big he is, but if you just saw his face, you wouldn't have guessed that he's put in years of dedication in the gym, all because he didn't train his neck. That's how important it is. 

By performing plate neck curls and plate neck extensions, you'll give your neck a noticeable boost, making it the envy of all who see it. 

02. Upper Traps: These muscles, located just above the collarbone, will give you a striking separation between your shoulders and arms. Shrug it off with wide grip barbell shrugs for upper traps that will turn heads.

 03. Lateral Delts: Get ready to turn some heads with your lateral delts, or the side of your shoulders. Light dumbbell lateral raises will help you achieve that coveted "V-taper" look, making you appear simply unnatural... in the best way possible! 

04. Upper Chest: To get that strong and defined look, you need to target the upper chest. Incorporating incline press movements with a 45-degree angle bench will help you maximize growth in this area. 

05. Lats: Everyone says that men with broad shoulders look attractive and masculine, but it's not even true. There's no such thing as broad shoulders, it's a broad back that causes the look of the broad shoulder. Your lats literally give you the "V taper" or the upside-down Dorito look. Give yourself that wide-backed look with barbell rows. 

06. Abs: Everyone has abs, you just have to lose the fat. Right? No, obviously not. Look at marathon runners, they're not fat. Do you think these guys have solid, chiseled six-pack abs? Obviously not. Any person who has told you that "everyone has abs, you just have to lose fat" is a total idiot. Abs are a muscle, and just like all of the other muscles, we have to train them. 

Tone and strengthen your abs with exercises with the king of ab exercises, the lying leg raise. Place more emphasis on working the lower abdominal muscles. While the upper abs can usually be developed well through a typical weightlifting regimen, the lower abs tend to be underdeveloped and will help to create a more aesthetically pleasing physique While focusing on these six aesthetic muscles, don't forget about the rest of your body. Your glutes, for example, play a big role in creating separation and avoiding the skinny leg look. So, make sure to include glute training in your routine. Let's talk about calories in versus calories out. It is the biggest lie of the fitness industry.

 All calories are not the same. You eat a plate of vegetables tomorrow, your workout will be better, you'll burn more calories and gain more muscle compared to eating a chocolate donut. Youtubers do 10000 calorie challenge because it sells. So train hard, eat clean, and cut down on sugar to transform your physique and it's over please
                             Thankyou for reading 

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